target property

EntityT? target

Get target object. If it's the first access, this reads from DB.


EntityT? get target {
  if (_value._state == _ToOneState.lazy) {
    final object = _box.get(_value._id);
    _value = (object == null)
        ? _ToOneValue<EntityT>.unresolvable(_value._id)
        : _ToOneValue<EntityT>.stored(_value._id, object);
  return _value._object;
void target=(EntityT? object)

Set relation target object. Note: this does not store the change yet, use Box.put() on the containing (relation source) object.


set target(EntityT? object) {
  if (object == null) {
    _value = _ToOneValue<EntityT>.none();
  } else if (_attached) {
    final id = _getId(object);
    _value = (id == 0)
        ? _ToOneValue<EntityT>.unstored(object)
        : _ToOneValue<EntityT>.stored(id, object);
  } else {
    _value = _ToOneValue.unknown(object);