CraftingTable constructor

  1. String name = 'craft',
  2. int id = 0,
  3. List<Recipe>? recipes,
  4. String? recipeSource,
  5. String? recipeResultSource,
  6. Item? placeholder,
  7. Item? blockModel,
  8. TextComponent? displayName,
  9. bool giveCommandFunction = false,
  10. Widget? onDestroy,
  11. Item? guiModel,
  12. List<Widget>? main,
  13. bool useBarrel = false,
  14. bool invisibleHitbox = true,

The CraftingTable is the core widget to instantiate a custom crafter. It generates a pack(with a custom namespace) itself as well as the needed functions depending on the inputs. The Crafter is a modified chest with an armorstand inside to implement the logic.

Constructor (all optional)
name your custom namespace for the pack and all the scores
displayName a TextComponent for the name that is displayed in the GUI
id the starting id of your recipes(automatically increases)
recipes a list of your recipes
recipeSource another file location for a recipe function
recipeResultSource another file location for the result function
placeholder an Item that blocks all the slots that are not used
guiModel an Item that is retextured to display a GUI; replaces a placeholder by specifing the Slot of the Item
blockModel replaces the head slot of the Armorstand to display a model for the block
invisibleHitbox bool whether to include code to make the chest invisible(default = true)
useBarrel set to true if you want to use a barrel instead
giveCommandFunction bool whether to include a function to generate recipes in minecraft
main a List of Widgets that are executed every tick
onDestroy a Widget that is executed when the crafting table is destroyed

After you specified all your wanted options and visuals, you get a fully working datapack. Ingame run the set function to create a new craftingtable at the current location. Obviously you can also trigger this with other packs as well. In this craftingtable you can then use your specified recipes.


CraftingTable({ = 'craft', = 0,,
  this.giveCommandFunction = false,
  this.useBarrel = false,
  this.invisibleHitbox = true,
}) {
  displayName ??= TextComponent('Custom Crafting Table');