Recipe.fromJson constructor

  1. Map<String, dynamic> json, {
  2. int? id,
  3. bool exactlyPlaced = false,
  4. int? exactResult,

With objD you can also import usual minecraft recipes in json data. objD automatically parses that and converts it to a command.


factory Recipe.fromJson(
  Map<String, dynamic> json, {
  int? id,
  bool exactlyPlaced = false,
  int? exactResult,
}) {
  bool exists(String key, [value]) {
    if (value != null) return json[key] != null && json[key] == value;
    return json[key] != null;

  var ingredients = <int, Item>{};
  RecipeType? type;

  if (exists('type')) {
    if (json['type'] == 'minecraft:crafting_shapeless') {
      type = RecipeType.shapeless;
    } else {
      type = RecipeType.values
          .firstWhere((t) => (json['type'] as String).contains(;
  type ??= RecipeType.shaped;

  var i = 1;
  if (exists('ingredients')) {
    json['ingredients'].forEach((Map<String, dynamic> item) {
      ingredients[i] = Item.fromJson(item);

  late Item result;

  if (exists('result')) {
    result = Item.fromJson(json['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
  } else {
    throw 'Recipe without result field detected';
  // key-item paired items
  var items = <String, Item>{};

  if (exists('key')) {
    var keys = json['key'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
    items = keys
        .map((k, v) => MapEntry(k, Item.fromJson(v as Map<String, dynamic>)));

  return Recipe.pattern(
    (json['pattern'] ?? []) as List<String>,
    type: type,
    id: id,
    exactlyPlaced: exactlyPlaced,
    exactResult: exactResult,