HideFlags function

int HideFlags({
  1. bool enchantments = false,
  2. bool attributes = false,
  3. bool unbreakable = false,
  4. bool canDestroy = false,
  5. bool canPlaceOn = false,
  6. bool others = false,
  7. bool dye = false,
  8. bool armorTrims = false,

HideFlags method. It translates the human readable boolean values into an int.

HideFlags bools
enchant whether to show the enchantments
attributes whether to show the attributes
unbreakable whether to show the unbreakable tag
canDestroy whether to show the canDestroy tag
canPlaceOn whether to show the canPlaceOn tag
others whether to show other nbt information
dye whether to show Dyed on leather armor
armorTrims whether to show Upgrade on armors


var flags = HideFlags(attributes:true, unbreakable: true, others: true); // = 38
Item(Items.apple,hideFlags: flags)


int HideFlags({
  /// whether to show the enchantments
  bool enchantments = false,

  /// whether to show the attributes
  bool attributes = false,

  /// whether to show the unbreakable tag
  bool unbreakable = false,

  ///  whether to show the canDestroy tag
  bool canDestroy = false,

  /// whether to show the canPlaceOn tag
  bool canPlaceOn = false,

  /// whether to show other nbt information
  bool others = false,

  /// whether to show Dyed on leather armor
  bool dye = false,

  /// whether to show Upgrade on armors
  bool armorTrims = false,
}) {
  var res = 0;
  if (enchantments) res += 1;
  if (attributes) res += 2;
  if (unbreakable) res += 4;
  if (canDestroy) res += 8;
  if (canPlaceOn) res += 16;
  if (others) res += 32;
  if (dye) res += 64;
  if (armorTrims) res += 128;
  return res;