Area.fromRanges constructor
fromRanges is a constructor to construct an Area within a defined Range of a Location(Works like fill or clone).
double? x,
double? y,
double? z,
double? dx,
double? dy,
double? dz,
Map<String, double> ranges = const {},
}) {
x = x ?? ranges['x'];
y = y ?? ranges['y'];
z = z ?? ranges['z'];
dx = dx ?? ranges['dx'];
dy = dy ?? ranges['dy'];
dz = dz ?? ranges['dz'];
final x2 = x != null && dx != null ? x + dx : null;
final y2 = y != null && dy != null ? y + dy : null;
final z2 = z != null && dz != null ? z + dz : null;
loc1 = Location.glob(x: _min(x, x2), y: _min(y, y2), z: _min(z, z2));
loc2 = Location.glob(x: _max(x, x2), y: _max(y, y2), z: _max(z, z2));