Recipe.pattern constructor

  1. List<String> pattern,
  2. Map<String, Item> keys,
  3. Item result, {
  4. int? id,
  5. String name = 'recipe',
  6. bool exactlyPlaced = false,
  7. int? exactResult,
  8. RecipeType type = RecipeType.shaped,

Want to stay close to the original minecraft notation and want to prove a pattern? You can also do that with:

List<String> Each String of Length 3 represents one row in the crafting grid, use the same char for same items
Map<String,Item> For each used character in the pattern, define a corresponding item
... stays the same


factory Recipe.pattern(
  List<String> pattern,
  Map<String, Item> keys,
  Item result, {
  int? id,
  String name = 'recipe',
  bool exactlyPlaced = false,
  int? exactResult,
  RecipeType type = RecipeType.shaped,
}) {
  var ingredients = <int, Item>{};
  var i = 1;
  for (var row in pattern) {
    if (row.isNotEmpty && row[0] != ' ') ingredients[i] = keys[row[0]]!;
    if (row.length > 1 && row[1] != ' ') ingredients[i + 1] = keys[row[1]]!;
    if (row.length > 2 && row[2] != ' ') ingredients[i + 2] = keys[row[2]]!;
    i += 3;

  return Recipe(
    id: id,
    name: name,
    type: type,
    exactlyPlaced: exactlyPlaced,
    exactResult: exactResult,