Area.rel constructor

  1. double? x1,
  2. double? y1,
  3. double? z1,
  4. double? x2,
  5. double? y2,
  6. double? z2,

Use Area.rel if you want to select the area relative to an unknown position.


  double? x1,
  double? y1,
  double? z1,
  double? x2,
  double? y2,
  double? z2,
})  : loc1 = Location.rel(x: _min(x1, x2), y: _min(y1, y2), z: _min(z1, z2)),
      loc2 = Location.rel(x: _max(x1, x2), y: _max(y1, y2), z: _max(z1, z2)) {