decodeMap method

Map<String, dynamic> decodeMap(
  1. dynamic src

Decode a map


Map<String, dynamic> decodeMap(dynamic src) {
  var p = src is GsonParsable
      ? src
      : src is String
          ? GsonParsable(src)
          : throw ('The src is not a valid input to decode an Array from');
  var map = <String, dynamic>{};
  var foundComma = true;
  if ( != '{') {
    throw ('Array has to start with a [');
  while (p.actual() != '}') {
    if (!foundComma) {
      throw p.error('Expected "}" or ","');
    foundComma = false;
    var key = '';
    if (p.actual() == '"' || p.actual() == "'") {
      key = decodeString(src);
    } else {
      while (_KEY_CHARACTERS.hasMatch(p.actual())) {
        key +=;


    if (p.actual() != ':') {
      throw p.error('Expected ":"');


    if (RegExp(r'''[\\[\\{\\\"\\\'0-9]''').hasMatch(p.actual()) ||
        _PURE_STRING.hasMatch(p.actual())) {
      map[key] = decode(p);
    } else {
      throw p.error('Expected "[", "\\"","\\\'", "{" or a number');


    if (p.actual() == ',') {
      foundComma = true;
  if (!p.ended) p.skip();
  return map;