RedditOauth2Client class

Implements an OAuth2 client against Reddit

In order to use this client you need to first create a new OAuth2 App in Reddit autorized apps settings (



RedditOauth2Client({required String redirectUri, required String customUriScheme})


accessTokenRequestHeaders Map<String, String>
no getterinherited
authorizeUrl String
getter/setter pairinherited
credentialsLocation CredentialsLocation
getter/setter pairinherited
customUriScheme String
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
redirectUri String
getter/setter pairinherited
refreshUrl String?
getter/setter pairinherited
revokeUrl String?
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scopeSeparator String
getter/setter pairinherited
tokenUrl String
getter/setter pairinherited
webAuthClient BaseWebAuth
getter/setter pairinherited


getAuthorizationHeader({required String clientId, String? clientSecret}) Map<String, String>
getAuthorizeUrl({required String clientId, String responseType = 'code', String? redirectUri, List<String>? scopes, bool enableState = true, String? state, String? codeChallenge, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams}) String
Generates the url to be used for fetching the authorization code.
getRefreshUrlParams({required String refreshToken}) Map<String, String>
Returns the parameters needed for the refresh token request
getTokenUrlParams({required String code, String? redirectUri, String? codeVerifier, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams}) Map<String, dynamic>
Returns the parameters needed for the authorization code request
getTokenWithAuthCodeFlow({required String clientId, List<String>? scopes, String? clientSecret, bool enablePKCE = true, bool enableState = true, String? state, String? codeVerifier, Function? afterAuthorizationCodeCb, Map<String, dynamic>? authCodeParams, Map<String, dynamic>? accessTokenParams, dynamic httpClient, BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient, Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Authorization Code Flow.
getTokenWithClientCredentialsFlow({required String clientId, required String clientSecret, List<String>? scopes, dynamic httpClient}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Client Credentials flow.
getTokenWithImplicitGrantFlow({required String clientId, List<String>? scopes, bool enableState = true, String? state, dynamic httpClient, BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient, Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests an Access Token to the OAuth2 endpoint using the Implicit grant flow (
http2TokenResponse(Response response, {List<String>? requestedScopes}) AccessTokenResponse
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshToken(String refreshToken, {dynamic httpClient, required String clientId, String? clientSecret}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Refreshes an Access Token issuing a refresh_token grant to the OAuth2 server.
requestAccessToken({required String code, required String clientId, String? clientSecret, String? codeVerifier, List<String>? scopes, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams, dynamic httpClient}) Future<AccessTokenResponse>
Requests and Access Token using the provided Authorization code.
requestAuthorization({required String clientId, List<String>? scopes, String? codeChallenge, bool enableState = true, String? state, Map<String, dynamic>? customParams, BaseWebAuth? webAuthClient, Map<String, dynamic>? webAuthOpts}) Future<AuthorizationResponse>
Requests an Authorization Code to be used in the Authorization Code grant.
revokeAccessToken(AccessTokenResponse tknResp, {String? clientId, String? clientSecret, dynamic httpClient}) Future<OAuth2Response>
Revokes the Access Token in the provided tknResp
revokeRefreshToken(AccessTokenResponse tknResp, {String? clientId, String? clientSecret, dynamic httpClient}) Future<OAuth2Response>
Revokes the Refresh Token in the provided tknResp
revokeToken(AccessTokenResponse tknResp, {String? clientId, String? clientSecret, dynamic httpClient}) Future<OAuth2Response>
Revokes both the Access and the Refresh tokens in the provided tknResp
serializeScopes(List<String> scopes) String
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.