AuthorizationResponse.fromRedirectUri constructor

  1. String redirectUri,
  2. String? checkState


    String redirectUri, String? checkState) {
  queryParams = Uri.parse(redirectUri).queryParameters;

  error = getQueryParam('error');
  errorDescription = getQueryParam('error_description');

  if (error == null) {
    code = getQueryParam('code');
    if (code == null) {
      throw Exception('Expected "code" parameter not found in response');

    // Only validate the state if the checkState was actually supplied
    if (checkState != null && checkState.isNotEmpty) {
      state = getQueryParam('state');
      if (state == null) {
        throw Exception('Expected "state" parameter not found in response');

      if (state != checkState) {
        throw Exception(
            '"state" parameter in response doesn\'t correspond to the expected value');