bestNode property

Node bestNode

Get the best available node, it is recommended to use getOrCreatePlayerNode instead as this won't create the player itself if it doesn't exists


Node get bestNode {
  if (this._nodes.isEmpty) {
    throw ClusterException._new("No available nodes");
  if (this._nodes.length == 1) {
    return this._nodes.values.first;

  /// Node id of the node who has fewer players
  int? minNodeId;
  /// Number of players the node has
  int? minNodePlayers;

  this._nodes.forEach((id, node) {
    if (minNodeId == null && minNodePlayers == null) {
      minNodeId = id;
      minNodePlayers = node._players.length;
    } else {
      if (node._players.length < minNodePlayers!) {
        minNodeId = id;
        minNodePlayers = node._players.length;

  return this._nodes[minNodeId]!;