
Discord pub documentation

Additional utilities and helpers for working with nyxx.

While the main nyxx package focuses on providing a wrapper only for the features described in Discord's developer documentation, this package contains a collection of commonly used functions and plugins when making Discord bots, such as pagination, sanitization or endpoint pagination.

This package is very open to contributions as it is built upon the needs of developers using nyxx. If you find yourself implementing a feature that isn't specific to your bot, please consider opening a pull request and add your code to this package. Read our contribution document for more information.

Other nyxx packages

  • nyxx: The main package wrapping Discord's developer API.
  • nyxx_commands: A command framework for handling both simple & complex commands.
  • nyxx_lavalink: Lavalink support for playing audio in voice channels.

Additional documentation & help

The API documentation for the latest stable version can be found on pub.

Docs and wiki

Tutorials and wiki articles are hosted here, as well as API documentation for development versions from GitHub.

Official nyxx Discord server

Our Discord server is where you can get help for any nyxx packages, as well as release announcements and discussions about the library.

Discord API docs

Discord's API documentation details what nyxx implements & provides more detailed explanations of certain topics.

Discord API Server

The unofficial guild for Discord Bot developers. To get help with nyxx check #dart_nyxx channel.

Pub.dev docs

The dartdocs page will always have the documentation for the latest release.

Contributing to Nyxx

Read the contributing document


Extensions and additional utilities for working with nyxx.