ICommandContext class abstract




author → IMessageAuthor
Author of message
no setter
channel → ITextChannel
Channel from where message come from
no setter
client → INyxxWebsocket
Reference to client
no setter
commandMatcher String
Substring by which command was matched
no setter
guild → IGuild?
Guild in which message was sent
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
member → IMember?
Returns author as guild member
no setter
message → IMessage
Message that was sent
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shardId int
Shard on which message was sent
no setter


awaitEmoji(IMessage msg) Future<IEmoji>
Awaits for emoji under given msg
awaitEmojis(IMessage msg, Duration duration) Future<Map<IEmoji, int>>
Collects emojis within given duration. Returns empty map if no reaction received
enterTypingState<T>(Future<T> callback()) Future<T>
Starts typing loop and ends when callback resolves.
getArguments() Iterable<String>
Returns list of words separated with space and/or text surrounded by quotes Text: hi this is "example stuff" which 'can be parsed' will return List<String> [hi, this, is, example stuff, which, can be parsed]
getCodeBlocks() Iterable<String>
Returns list of all code blocks in message Language string dart, java will be ignored and not included """ n> eval ```(dart)? await reply(content: 'no to elo');
getQuotedText() Iterable<String>
Returns list which content of quotes. Text: hi this is "example stuff" which 'can be parsed' will return List<String> [example stuff, can be parsed]
nextMessages(int num) Stream<IMessageReceivedEvent>
Gets next num number of any messages sent within one context (same channel).
nextMessagesWhere(bool predicate(IMessageReceivedEvent msg), {int limit = 1}) Stream<IMessageReceivedEvent>
Gets all context channel messages that satisfies predicate.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reply(MessageBuilder builder, {bool mention = false, bool reply = false}) Future<IMessage>
Creates inline reply for message
sendMessage(MessageBuilder builder) Future<IMessage>
Reply to message. It allows to send regular message, Embed or both.
sendMessageDelayed(Duration duration, MessageBuilder builder) Future<IMessage>
Replies to message after delay specified with duration
sendMessageTemp(Duration duration, MessageBuilder builder) Future<IMessage>
Reply to messages, then delete it when duration expires.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
waitForTyping(IUser user, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30)}) Future<ITypingEvent?>
Waits for first TypingEvent and returns it. If timed out returns null. Can listen to specific user by specifying user


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.