parse method

  1. @override
GuildSticker parse(
  1. Map<String, Object?> raw

Parse the raw data received from the API into an instance of the type of this manager.


GuildSticker parse(Map<String, Object?> raw) {
  return GuildSticker(
    manager: this,
    id: Snowflake.parse(raw['id']!),
    name: raw['name'] as String,
    description: raw['description'] as String?,
    tags: raw['tags'] as String,
    type: StickerType.parse(raw['type'] as int),
    formatType: StickerFormatType.parse(raw['format_type'] as int),
    available: raw['available'] as bool? ?? false,
    guildId: Snowflake.parse(raw['guild_id']!),
    user: ((raw['user'] ?? {}) as Map)['id'] != null ? client.users[Snowflake.parse((raw['user'] as Map<String, Object?>)['id']!)] : null,
    sortValue: raw['sort_value'] as int?,