listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads method

Future<ThreadList> listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads(
  1. Snowflake id, {
  2. DateTime? before,
  3. int? limit,

List the private archived threads the current user has joined in a channel.


Future<ThreadList> listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads(Snowflake id, {DateTime? before, int? limit}) async {
  final route = HttpRoute()
    ..channels(id: id.toString())
    ..users(id: '@me')
  final request = BasicRequest(
    queryParameters: {
      if (before != null) 'before': before.toIso8601String(),
      if (limit != null) 'limit': limit.toString(),

  final response = await client.httpHandler.executeSafe(request);
  // TODO: Can we provide the guild ID?
  final threadList = parseThreadList(response.jsonBody as Map<String, Object?>);

  return threadList;