INyxxWebsocket class abstract

Implemented types




app IClientOAuth2Application
The bot"s OAuth2 app.
no setterinherited
appId Snowflake
Id of bots application
no setterinherited
cacheOptions CacheOptions
Options for cache handling in nyxx
no setterinherited
cdnHttpEndpoints ICdnHttpEndpoints
Returns handler for all available CDN endpoints for Discord.
no setterinherited
channels SnowflakeCache<IChannel>
All of the channels the bot can see.
no setterinherited
eventsRest IRestEventController
Reference of event controller
no setterinherited
eventsWs IWebsocketEventController
Event controller for websocket events
no setter
guilds SnowflakeCache<IGuild>
All of the guilds the bot is in. Can be empty or can miss guilds on (READY_EVENT).
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
httpEndpoints IHttpEndpoints
Returns handler for all available REST API action.
no setterinherited
httpHandler → HttpHandler
Reference to HttpHandler
no setterinherited
intents int
When identifying to the gateway, you have to specify an intents parameter which allows you to conditionally subscribe to pre-defined "intents", groups of events defined by Discord. If you do not specify a certain intent, you will not receive any of the gateway events that are batched into that group. Since api v8 its required upon connecting to gateway.
no setterinherited
Gets an bot invite link with zero permissions
no setterinherited
onReady Stream<IReadyEvent>
Emitted when client is ready
no setterinherited
options ClientOptions
Can be used to edit options after client initialised. Used by Nyxx.interactions to enable raw events
no setterinherited
plugins Iterable<BasePlugin>
no setterinherited
ready bool
True if client is ready.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
self IClientUser
The current bot user.
no setterinherited
shardManager IShardManager
Current client"s shard
no setter
shards int
Returns number of shards
no setter
startTime DateTime
Datetime when bot has started
no setterinherited
token String
Token of instance
no setterinherited
users SnowflakeCache<IUser>
All of the users the bot can see. Does not have offline users without forceFetchUsers enabled.
no setterinherited
version String
The current version of nyxx
no setterinherited


connect({bool propagateReady = true}) Future<void>
createGuild(GuildBuilder builder) Future<IGuild>
Creates a guild.
dispose() Future<void>
Perform cleanup
fetchChannel<T extends IChannel>(Snowflake channelId) Future<T>
Returns channel with specified id.
fetchGuild(Snowflake guildId, {bool? withCounts = true}) Future<IGuild>
Returns guild with given guildId If withCounts is set to true, then guild will have IGuild.approximateMemberCount and IGuild.approximatePresenceCount present.
fetchGuildPreview(Snowflake guildId) Future<IGuildPreview>
This endpoint is only for public guilds if bot is not int the guild.
fetchUser(Snowflake userId) Future<IUser>
Get user instance with specified id.
fetchWebhook(Snowflake id, {String token = ""}) Future<IWebhook>
Gets a webhook by its id and/or token. If token is supplied authentication is not needed.
getInvite(String code) Future<IInvite>
Gets an Invite object with given code. If the code is in cache - it will be taken from it, otherwise API will be called.
getSticker(Snowflake id) Future<IStandardSticker>
Gets standard sticker with given id
joinThread(Snowflake channelId) Future<void>
Join ThreadChannel with given channelId
listNitroStickerPacks() Stream<IStickerPack>
List all nitro stickers packs
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerPlugin<T extends BasePlugin>(T pluginInstance) → void
setPresence(PresenceBuilder presenceBuilder) → void
Sets presence for bot.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.