IMember class abstract

Implemented types




avatarHash String?
Member's avatar in IGuild
no setter
boostingSince DateTime?
When the user starting boosting the guild
no setter
client INyxx
Reference to client
no setter
createdAt DateTime
Gets creation timestamp included in Snowflake
no setterinherited
deaf bool
Weather or not the member is deafened.
no setter
effectivePermissions Future<IPermissions>
Returns total permissions of user.
no setter
flags IMemberFlags
Guild member flags
no setter
guild Cacheable<Snowflake, IGuild>
Cacheable of guild where member is located
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id Snowflake
ID of entity as Snowflake
isPending bool
True if member is currently pending by Membership Screening. When completed, an IGuildMemberUpdateEvent will be fired with isPending set to false.
no setter
isTimedOut bool
True if user is timed out
no setter
joinedAt DateTime
When the member joined the guild.
no setter
mention String
The channel's mention string.
no setteroverride
mute bool
Weather or not the member is muted.
no setter
nickname String?
The members nickname, null if not set.
no setter
roles Iterable<Cacheable<Snowflake, IRole>>
Roles of member
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
timeoutUntil DateTime?
When the user's timeout will expire and the user will be able to communicate in the guild again, null or a time in the past if the user is not timed out
no setter
user Cacheable<Snowflake, IUser>
Cacheable for this Guild member
no setter
voiceState IVoiceState?
Voice state of member. Null if not connected to channel or voice state not cached
no setter


addRole(SnowflakeEntity role, {String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Adds role to user.
avatarURL({String format = "webp"}) String?
Returns url to member avatar
ban({int? deleteMessageDays, String? reason, String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Bans the member and optionally deletes deleteMessageDays days worth of messages.
edit({required MemberBuilder builder, String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Edits members. Allows to move user in voice channel, mute or deaf, change nick, roles.
kick({String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Kicks the member from guild
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeRole(SnowflakeEntity role, {String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Removes role from user.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator.