requestMembers method

void requestMembers(
  1. dynamic guild, {
  2. String? query,
  3. Iterable<Snowflake>? userIds,
  4. int limit = 0,
  5. bool presences = false,
  6. String? nonce,

Allows to request members objects from gateway guild can be either Snowflake or Iterable


void requestMembers(/* Snowflake|Iterable<Snowflake> */ dynamic guild,
    {String? query, Iterable<Snowflake>? userIds, int limit = 0, bool presences = false, String? nonce}) {
  if (query != null && userIds != null) {
    throw ArgumentError("Both `query` and userIds cannot be specified.");

  dynamic guildPayload;

  if (guild is Snowflake) {
    if(!this.guilds.contains(guild)) {
      throw InvalidShardException._new("Cannot request member for guild on wrong shard");

    guildPayload = [guild.toString()];
  } else if (guild is Iterable<Snowflake>) {
    if(!this.guilds.any((element) => guild.contains(element))) {
      throw InvalidShardException._new("Cannot request member for guild on wrong shard");

    guildPayload = => e.toString()).toList();
  } else {
    throw ArgumentError("Guild has to be either Snowflake or Iterable<Snowflake>");

  final payload = <String, dynamic>{
    "guild_id": guildPayload,
    "limit": limit,
    "presences": presences,
    if (query != null) "query": query,
    if (userIds != null) "user_ids": => e.toString()).toList(),
    if (nonce != null) "nonce": nonce

  this.send(OPCodes.requestGuildMember, payload);