toMap method
Converts the NyxTextFormat properties into a map of key-value pairs.
This method is useful for passing the text format options to platform-specific implementations. The map keys correspond to the text formatting properties, and the values are their respective settings.
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'textSize': textSize,
'underline': underline,
'textScaleX': textScaleX,
'textScaleY': textScaleY,
'letterSpacing': letterSpacing,
'lineSpacing': lineSpacing,
'topPadding': topPadding,
'leftPadding': leftPadding,
'align': align == NyxAlign.left
? 0
: align ==
? 1
: 2,
'style': style == NyxFontStyle.normal
? 0
: style == NyxFontStyle.bold
? 1
: style == NyxFontStyle.italic
? 2
: 3,
'font': font == NyxFont.defaultFont
? 0
: font == NyxFont.defaultBold
? 1
: font == NyxFont.sansSerif
? 2
: font == NyxFont.serif
? 3
: 4,