MetroService class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

addToConfig({required String configName, required String classImport, required String createTemplate(String originalFile)}) → dynamic
Attempts to replace a file. Provide a configName to select which file to replace. Then you can use the callback originalFile to get the file and manipulate it.
addToRouter({String routerName = "router", required String classImport, required String createTemplate(String originalFile)}) → dynamic
Attempts to replace a file. Provide a routerName to select which file to replace. Then you can use the callback originalFile to get the file and manipulate it.
addToTheme(String className) → dynamic
Adds a Theme to your config/theme.dart file.
checkArguments(List<String> arguments, String usage) → dynamic
Checks that a command has arguments.
createDirectoriesFromCreationPath(String? creationPath, String folder) → dynamic
Create directories from a creationPath.
createMetroProjectFile(String className, {Pattern prefix = ""}) MetroProjectFile
Finds the class name from a className from a String and returns a MetroProjectFile object.
createPathForDartFile({required String folderPath, required String className, String? prefix, String? creationPath}) String
Create a file path.
createSlate(List<NyTemplate> templates, {bool? hasForceFlag}) → dynamic
Creates a new Slate using templates.
hasFile(dynamic path) Future<bool>
Check if a file exist by passing in a path.
hasHelpFlag(bool hasHelpFlag, String usage) → dynamic
Checks if the help flag is set.
loadAsset(String assetPath) Future<String>
Load an asset from the project using an assetPath.
makeApiService(String className, String value, {String folderPath = networkingFolder, bool forceCreate = false, bool addToConfig = true}) → dynamic
Creates a new API service.
makeConfig(String configName, String value, {String folderPath = configFolder, bool forceCreate = false, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Creates a new config file.
makeController(String className, String value, {String folderPath = controllersFolder, bool forceCreate = false, String? creationPath}) Future
Creates a new Controller.
makeDirectory(String folderPath) → dynamic
Creates a new Director.
makeEvent(String className, String value, {String folderPath = eventsFolder, bool forceCreate = false, bool addToConfig = true}) → dynamic
Creates a new Event.
makeForm(String className, String value, {String folderPath = formsFolder, bool forceCreate = false}) → dynamic
Creates a new Form.
makeInterceptor(String className, String value, {String folderPath = networkingInterceptorsFolder, bool forceCreate = false, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Create a new Interceptor.
makeModel(String className, String value, {String folderPath = modelsFolder, bool forceCreate = false, bool addToConfig = true, bool? skipIfExist = false, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Creates a new Model.
makePage(String className, String value, {String folderPath = pagesFolder, bool forceCreate = false, bool addToRoute = true, bool isInitialPage = false, bool isAuthPage = false, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Creates a new Page.
makeProvider(String className, String value, {String folderPath = providerFolder, bool forceCreate = false, bool addToConfig = true, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Creates a new Provider.
makeRouteGuard(String className, String value, {String folderPath = routeGuardsFolder, bool forceCreate = false}) → dynamic
Creates a new Route Guard.
makeStatefulWidget(String className, String value, {String folderPath = widgetsFolder, bool forceCreate = false, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Creates a new Stateful Widget.
makeStatelessWidget(String className, String value, {String folderPath = widgetsFolder, bool forceCreate = false, String? creationPath}) → dynamic
Creates a new Stateless Widget.
makeTheme(String className, String value, {String folderPath = themesFolder, bool forceCreate = false}) → dynamic
Creates a new Theme.
makeThemeColors(String className, String value, {String folderPath = themeColorsFolder, bool forceCreate = false}) → dynamic
Creates a new Stateful Widget.
runCommand(List<String> arguments, {required List<NyCommand?> allCommands, required String menu}) Future<void>
Run a command from the terminal menu should contain the list of commands that can be run.
runProcess(String command) → dynamic
Runs a process