SkeletonizerConfigData constructor

const SkeletonizerConfigData({
  1. PaintingEffect effect = const ShimmerEffect(),
  2. TextBoneBorderRadius textBorderRadius = _defaultTextBoneBorderRadius,
  3. bool justifyMultiLineText = true,
  4. bool ignoreContainers = false,
  5. Color? containersColor,
  6. bool enableSwitchAnimation = false,
  7. SwitchAnimationConfig switchAnimationConfig = const SwitchAnimationConfig(),

Constructs a SkeletonizerConfigData instance with the given properties.

  • effect: The painting effect to apply on the skeletonized elements.
  • textBorderRadius: The border radius configuration for text elements.
  • justifyMultiLineText: Whether to justify multi-line text bones.
  • ignoreContainers: Whether to ignore container elements and only paint the dependents.
  • containersColor: The color of the container elements. If null, the actual color will be used.
  • enableSwitchAnimation: Whether to enable switch animation between the skeleton and the actual widget.
  • switchAnimationConfig: The configuration for the switch animation.


const SkeletonizerConfigData({
  this.effect = const ShimmerEffect(),
  this.textBorderRadius = _defaultTextBoneBorderRadius,
  this.justifyMultiLineText = true,
  this.ignoreContainers = false,
  this.enableSwitchAnimation = false,
  this.switchAnimationConfig = const SwitchAnimationConfig(),