NyStatelessWidget extension

Extensions for StatelessWidget



faderBottom(int strength, {Color color = Colors.black}) → NyFader
Make gradient background for the widget.
faderFrom(int strength, {Color color = Colors.black, required List<AlignmentGeometry> alignment}) → NyFader
faderLeft(int strength, {Color color = Colors.black}) → NyFader
Make gradient background for the widget.
faderRight(int strength, {Color color = Colors.black}) → NyFader
Make gradient background for the widget.
faderTop(int strength, {Color color = Colors.black}) → NyFader
Make gradient background for the widget.
flexible({Key? key, int flex = 1, FlexFit fit = FlexFit.loose}) Flexible
Make a StatelessWidget Flexible. Example:
onTap(dynamic action()) InkWell
On tap run a action.
onTapRoute(dynamic routeName, {dynamic data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, NavigationType navigationType = NavigationType.push, dynamic result, bool removeUntilPredicate(Route route)?, PageTransitionSettings? pageTransitionSettings, PageTransitionType? pageTransitionType, dynamic onPop(dynamic value)?}) InkWell
Route to a new page.
paddingOnly({double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0}) Padding
Add padding to the widget.
paddingSymmetric({double horizontal = 0.0, double vertical = 0.0}) Padding
Add symmetric padding to the widget.
shadow(int strength, {Color? color, double? blurRadius, double? spreadRadius, Offset? offset, double? rounded}) Container
Add a shadow to the container.