NyDateTime extension

Extensions for DateTime



dd({String? tag}) → dynamic
dump the value to the console and exit the app. tag is optional.
dump({String? tag}) → dynamic
dump the value to the console. tag is optional.
hasExpired() bool
Check if the date is still valid.
isAfternoon() bool
Check if the date is in the afternoon.
isAgeBetween(int min, int max) bool?
Check if DateTime is between a certain min and max age
isAgeEqualTo(int age) → dynamic
Check if DateTime is equal to a certain age
isAgeOlder(int age) bool?
Check if DateTime is older than a certain age
isAgeYounger(int age) bool?
Check if DateTime is younger than a certain age
isEvening() bool
Check if the date is in the evening.
isInFuture() bool
Check if DateTime is in the future
isInPast() bool
Check if DateTime is in the past
isMorning() bool
Check if the date is in the morning.
isNight() bool
Check if the date is in the night.
isSameDay(DateTime dateTimeToCompare) bool
Check if a date is the same day as another date. dateTime1 and dateTime2 are the dates to compare.
isToday() bool
Check if DateTime is today
isTomorrow() bool
Check if DateTime is tomorrow
isYesterday() bool
Check if DateTime is yesterday
toAge() int?
Format DateTime to an age
toDateString() String?
Format DateTime to toDateString - yyyy-MM-dd
toDateTimeString() String?
Format DateTime to DateTimeString - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
toFormat(String format) String?
Format DateTime
toShortDate() String
Format DateTime to a short date - example "Mon 1st Jan"
toTimeAgoString() String?
toTimeString({bool withSeconds = false}) String?
Format DateTime to toTimeString - HH:mm or HH:mm:ss