pageStub function

String pageStub({
  1. required String className,

This stub is used to create a new Page.


String pageStub({required String className}) => '''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:nylo_framework/nylo_framework.dart';

class ${className.pascalCase}Page extends NyStatefulWidget {
  static const path = '/${className.paramCase}';

  ${className.pascalCase}Page({super.key}) : super(path, child: _${className.pascalCase}PageState());

class _${className.pascalCase}PageState extends NyState<${className.pascalCase}Page> {

  init() async {


  /// Use boot if you need to load data before the [view] is rendered.
  // @override
  // boot() async {
  // }

  Widget view(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("${className.titleCase}")
      body: SafeArea(
         child: Container(),