addQuestion method

void addQuestion(
  1. dynamic p_question,
  2. dynamic key, {
  3. dynamic is_boolean = false,
  4. dynamic is_list = false,
  5. dynamic is_message = false,

This method is another way of adding questions after instantiating CLI_Dialog Pass is_bool or is_list as a named argument to indicate the type of question you are adding (boolean qualifier).

final dialog = CLI_Dialog();
dialog.addQuestion([{'question': 'How are you?', options: ['Good', 'Not so good']}, 'mood'], is_list: true);


void addQuestion(p_question, key,
    {is_boolean = false, is_list = false, is_message = false}) {
  if ((is_boolean ? 1 : 0) + (is_list ? 1 : 0) + (is_message ? 1 : 0) > 1) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'A question can not have more than one boolean qualifier.');
  final newItem = [p_question, key];
  if (is_boolean) {
  } else if (is_list) {
  } else if (is_message) {
  } else {