Numpad Widget for Pin Input. Feel free to make pull requests and drop suggestions ✌️ .
Param | Required | Default | Type | Description |
onTap | ✅ | null | Function (int) | Triggerred when number is tapped |
mainAxisSpacing | ❌ | null | double | Main Axis Spacing |
crossAxisSpacing | ❌ | null | double | Cross Axis Spacing |
clearIcon | ❌ | Icons.backspace | Icon | Icon for clear or delete |
themeColor | ❌ | Colors.grey | Color | theme color |
textStyle | ❌ | -- | TextStyle | Style for Number Text |
numItemDecoration | ❌ | -- | Decoration | Decoration for number item or button |
buttonSize | ❌ | 30.0 | double | Size of button container |
backgroundColor | ❌ | Colors.white | Color | Color for NumPad background |
iconSize | ❌ | 30.0 | double | Size of Country Flag on Input Label |
How To Use
Import the package
import 'package:numpad/numpad.dart';
Provide at least the required params
NumPad( onTap: (val) { if (val == 99) { if (code.isNotEmpty) { setState(() { code = code.substring(0, code.length - 1); }); } } else { setState(() { code += "$val"; }); } print(code); }, ),