Flutter Numeral System Both in International and Indian/ Hindu-Arabic System

This plugin helps you to display number as per International or Indian Numeral System. Internation Numeral System means the system that counts number in the form of ONES, TENS, HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, TEN THOUSANDS, HUNDRED THOUSANDS, MILLION, etc. Indian or Hindu-Arabic System means the system that counts number in the form of ONES, TENS, HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, TEN THOUSANDS, LAKH , TEN LAKH, CRORE, etc.

Table of contents


  • You can use any of the numeral system.
  • You can add textstyle.
  • You can choose the numbers of digit to be displayed after decimal.


Add package to the the pubspec.yaml.


Import the package.

import 'package:numeral_system/numeral_system.dart';

Add NumeralSystem to the widget tree

    body: Center(
            //By Default i.e INTERNATIONAL and two digits after decimal
            NumeralSystem(digit: 934023),

For Indian System

    numberSystem: NumberSystem.indian,
    digit: 987387659876,
    digitAfterDecimal: DigitAfterDecimal.one,

For 3 digits after decimal

    digit: 195659876,
    numberSystem: NumberSystem.indian,
    digitAfterDecimal: DigitAfterDecimal.three,

For adding textstyle

    digit: 987654,
    digitAfterDecimal: DigitAfterDecimal.three,
    textStyle: TextStyle(
        fontSize: 20,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
        color: Colors.red)),

Support and feedback

If I had missed anything to add, feel free to open a ticket or contribute! You can reach me here: LinkedIn | GitHub | Medium | Google DevLibrary

