call method

String call(
  1. String fmt,
  2. dynamic args


String call(String fmt, var args) {
  var ret = '';

  var offset = 0;
  var arg_offset = 0;

  if (args != null && args is! List) {
    throw ArgumentError('Expecting list as second argument');

  for (var m in specifier.allMatches(fmt)) {
    var _parameter = m[1];
    var _flags = m[2];
    var _width = m[3];
    var _precision = m[4];
    var _type = m[5];

    var _arg_str = '';
    var _options = {
      'is_upper': false,
      'width': -1,
      'precision': -1,
      'length': -1,
      'radix': 10,
      'sign': '',
      'specifier_type': _type,

    _parse_flags(_flags!).forEach((var k, var v) {
      _options[k] = v;

    // The argument we want to deal with
    var _arg = _parameter == null ? null : args[int.parse(_parameter) - 1];

    // parse width
    if (_width != null) {
      _options['width'] =
      (_width == '*' ? args[arg_offset++] : int.parse(_width));

    // parse precision
    if (_precision != null) {
      _options['precision'] =
      (_precision == '*' ? args[arg_offset++] : int.parse(_precision));

    // grab the argument we'll be dealing with
    if (_arg == null && _type != '%') {
      _arg = args[arg_offset++];

    _options['is_upper'] = uppercase_rx.hasMatch(_type!);

    if (_type == '%') {
      if (_flags.isNotEmpty || _width != null || _precision != null) {
        throw Exception('"%" does not take any flags');
      _arg_str = '%';
    } else if (_formatters.containsKey(_type)) {
      _arg_str = _formatters[_type]!(_arg, _options).asString();
    } else {
      throw ArgumentError('Unknown format type ${_type}');

    // Add the pre-format string to the return
    ret += fmt.substring(offset, m.start);
    offset = m.end;

    ret += _arg_str;

  return ret += fmt.substring(offset);