getPackageVersions method

Future<List<String>> getPackageVersions(
  1. String packageId

Retrieves the all versions of the packageId.

Note: This list contains both listed and unlisted package versions.

Throws a PackageNotFoundException if the server returns a 404 status code.

Throws a NuGetServerException if the server returns a non-200 status code.


Future<List<String>> getPackageVersions(String packageId) async {
  final id = packageId.toLowerCase();
  final uri = resourceUri
      .replace(pathSegments: [...resourceUri.pathSegments, id, 'index.json']);
  final response = await httpClient.get(uri);
  return switch (response.statusCode) {
    404 => throw PackageNotFoundException(packageId),
    200 => (json.decode(response.body)['versions'] as List<dynamic>)
    _ => throw NuGetServerException('Failed to get package versions: '
        '${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase}'),