ContextExtensions extension
→ double
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).height
no setter
→ bool
Returns if Orientation is landscape
no setter
→ MediaQueryData
no setter
→ Size
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).size
no setter
→ double
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
no setter
makeFirst(Widget screen, {bool transparent = false, bool isCupertino = false})
→ void
Replace the all route of the navigator by pushing the given route and
then disposing all the previous route.
→ void
Consults the current route's Route.willPop method, and acts accordingly,
potentially popping the route as a result; returns whether the pop request
should be considered handled.
pop<T>({T? data})
→ void
Pop the top-most route off the navigator.
→ void
Pops the top-most route off the navigator till the first route.
push<T>(Widget screen, {bool transparent = false, bool isCupertino = false})
→ Future<T?>
Push the given route onto the navigator.
pushAfterFirst(Widget screen, {bool transparent = false, bool isCupertino = false})
→ void
Replace the all route of the navigator by pushing the given route and
then disposing all the previous route.
replace(Widget screen, {bool transparent = false, bool isCupertino = false})
→ Future<void>
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing the given route and
then disposing the previous route.
setFocus({FocusNode? focusNode})
→ void
Requests the primary focus for this node, or for a supplied
, which
will also give focus to its ancestors