getAllCountriesMap static method

Map<String, CountryModel> getAllCountriesMap()

Returns a map of all countries with their international dial code and area codes (if any) as the key

Example: { '+91': CountryModel(...), '+91 (11)': CountryModel(...), '+91 (22)': CountryModel(...), '+91 (33)': CountryModel(...), }


static Map<String, CountryModel> getAllCountriesMap() {
  final Map<String, CountryModel> countriesMap = {};

  for (final country in rawCountries) {
    final intlDialCode = country.intlDialCode;
    final areaCodes = country.areaCodes;

    if (areaCodes == null || areaCodes.isEmpty) {
      countriesMap[intlDialCode] = country;
    } else {
      for (final region in areaCodes) {
        countriesMap['$intlDialCode ($region)'] = country.copyWith(
          currentAreaCode: region,

  return countriesMap;