BankCard.fromMap constructor

  1. Map map,
  2. bool isV2

This is used to parse the card object returned from the charge response. Use BankCard.fromJson to parse saved card object


BankCard.fromMap(Map map, bool isV2)
    : id = map['id'] ??
      token = isV2
          ? map['card_tokens'] != null
              ? (map['card_tokens'] as List).first['embedtoken']
              : null
          : map['token'],
      first6digits = isV2 ? map['cardBIN'] : map['first_6digits'],
      last4digits = isV2 ? map['last4digits'] : map['last_4digits'],
      expiry =
          isV2 ? "${map["expirymonth"]}/${map["expiryyear"]}" : map['expiry'],
      type = map['type'],
      country = map['country'],
      issuer = isV2 ? map['brand'] : map['issuer'];