
This native plugin allows you to display Banner and AppOpen Ads provided by Notix. This is a custom-made script because Notix has not officially released Banner and AppOpen ads for Flutter.


Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:

  notix_ads: ^x.y.z
import 'package:notix_ads/notix_ads.dart';

Replace x.y.z with the latest version of notix_ads from

Getting Started

1. Initialize Banner Ads

First we need to load banner ads before display it. There are 3 Banner Ads sizes are available for use.

enum BannerAdSize {
  standard, // 320/50
  landscape, // 320/90
  rectangle, // 320/250

You can load banner ads by simply call 'NotixAds.loadBanner'

late Widget banner;
void initState() {
  banner = await NotixAds().loadBanner( /*You Zone ID*/ , BannerAdSize.landscape);

// then use `banner` to anywhere in your code to load it.

2. Show AppOpen Ads

You can use didChangeAppLifecycleState to check app satet and call AppOpen Ads

  void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
    if (state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
      NotixAds().appOpen(/*You Zone ID*/);

3. Show Notification Ads

Call NotixAds().NotificationInit using your notixAppId and notixToken. These credentials can be found on the page of your In-App Android source

void main() {
  NotixAds().NotificationInit(/* notixAppId */, /* notixToken */ );
  runApp(const MyApp());

4. Show Interstitial Ads

You can use NotixAds().interstitial to show interstitial. It will load and show Ad in single line

 NotixAds().interstitial(/*You Zone ID*/);