Paragraph constructor

  1. Text? text,
  2. List<Text> texts = const [],
  3. List<Block> children = const [],
  4. @deprecated String textSeparator = ' ',

Main paragraph constructor.

Can receive a single text or a list of texts. If both are included also both fields are added to the heading content adding first the text field. Also can receive the children of the block.

Deprecated: textSeparator will be removed and the separation will be by your own. This because that's the same way that Text & RichText works on Flutter. In this way you can add annotations for a part of a word instead of only full words or phrases.

Also a textSeparator can be anexed to separate the texts on the json generated using the toJson() function. The separator is used because when the text is displayed is all together without any kind of separation and adding the separator that behavior is avoided. By default the textSeparator is an space (" ").


  Text? text,
  List<Text> texts: const [],
  List<Block> children: const [],
  @deprecated this.textSeparator: ' ',
}) {
  if (text != null) {