Notion API client for dart.

CI codecov

See the ROADMAP file to see what is coming next.


Important: The methods return a NotionResponse. You can find how to use it in its documentation.

NotionClient class

You only have to create a new instance of the NotionClient class and all the API requests will be available as class methods.

NotionClient notion = NotionClient(token: 'YOUR SECRET TOKEN FROM INTEGRATIONS PAGE');

Individual classes

You can also use individual request group class like NotionPagesClient or NotionDatabasesClient. They are used like the main client but the methods are class methods instead of class properties methods.


// With main class
NotionClient notion = NotionClient(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');

// With individual class
NotionDatabasesClient databases = NotionDatabasesClient(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');

A few examples

To see more examples go here.

Append blocks children

// Create children instance:
Children children = Children.withBlocks([
  Heading(text: Text('Test')),
  Paragraph(texts: [
    Text('Lorem ipsum (A)'),
    Text('Lorem ipsum (B)',
        annotations: TextAnnotations(
          bold: true,
          underline: true,
          color: ColorsTypes.Orange,

// Send the instance to Notion
  to: 'YOUR_BLOCK_ID',
  children: children,

Create a page

// Create a page instance
Page page = Page(
  parent: Parent.database(id: 'YOUR_DATABASE_ID'),
  title: Text('NotionClient (v1): Page test'),

// Send the instance to Notion.


Please help, I don't even know if what I'm doing is right.


Some rules to follow:

  1. Please follow the dart convention format:
    1. Effective dart
    2. dart format
  2. If you are adding a new function, please also add the documentation.
  3. If you are adding a new parameters, please also add it to the current documentation.
  4. (Optional) Run the tests to know that everything is working just fine (See how run the tests).
    • This is optional because sometimes the tests fail on GitHub actions so anyway I will check this on my computer.


To be able to run the tests you will have to have a .env file on the root directory with the next variables:

  • TOKEN: The secret token.
  • TEST_DATABASE_ID: The database id where you will be working on.
  • TEST_PAGE_ID: Some page id inside the database specified above.
  • TEST_BLOCK_ID: Some block id inside the page specified above.
  • TEST_BLOCK_HEADING_ID: Some heading block id inside the page specified above.


The values are not valid of course.


Next release

I don't know yet. If you have suggestions feel free to create an Issue or to create a PR with the feature.