getGvtList static method
Converts a list of integers representing GVT data into a list of Gvt objects.
The gvtFile
parameter is a list of integers representing binary GVT data.
The binary data is parsed in chunks of 105 bytes to extract information about each Gvt.
Each Gvt object consists of three components: 'numer', 'addressHash', and 'hashGvt'.
The gvtFile
is expected to have a specific structure where each Gvt entry
occupies 105 bytes with specific offsets for 'numer', 'addressHash', and 'hashGvt'.
If gvtFile
is null or empty, an empty list is returned.
If there's an error during parsing, the method returns the parsed Gvt list up to that point.
static List<Gvt> getGvtList(List<int>? gvtFile) {
if (gvtFile == null || gvtFile.isEmpty) {
return [];
int index = 20;
List<Gvt> gvtList = [];
try {
var fileBytes = Uint8List.fromList(gvtFile);
while (index + 105 <= fileBytes.length) {
String numer =
String.fromCharCodes(fileBytes.sublist(index + 0, index + 2));
String hash =
String.fromCharCodes(fileBytes.sublist(index + 3, index + 33));
String hashToken =
String.fromCharCodes(fileBytes.sublist(index + 34, index + 100));
numer: int.parse(numer), addressHash: hash, hashGvt: hashToken));
index += 105;
return gvtList;
} catch (e) {
return gvtList;