copyWith method

AddressObject copyWith({
  1. String? hash,
  2. String? custom,
  3. double? balance,
  4. int? score,
  5. int? lastOP,
  6. bool? isLocked,
  7. double? incoming,
  8. double? outgoing,

Creates a new instance of AddressObject with optional modifications.


AddressObject copyWith({
  String? hash,
  String? custom,
  double? balance,
  int? score,
  int? lastOP,
  bool? isLocked,
  double? incoming,
  double? outgoing,
}) {
  return AddressObject(
    hash: hash ?? this.hash,
    publicKey: this.publicKey,
    privateKey: this.privateKey,
    custom: custom ?? this.custom,
    balance: balance ?? this.balance,
    score: score ?? this.score,
    lastOP: lastOP ?? this.lastOP,
    isLocked: isLocked ?? this.isLocked,
    incoming: incoming ?? this.incoming,
    outgoing: outgoing ?? this.outgoing,