bigIntToInt method

int bigIntToInt({
  1. int valueInt = 0,
  2. String? valueString,
  3. List<int>? fromPsk,

Converts a big integer to an integer.

The valueInt is the integer value to convert, valueString is the string representation of the integer, and fromPsk is a list of unicodes to convert fromPsk should be used only for deciphering balances from Summary.psk from little-endian format.


int bigIntToInt({
  int valueInt = 0,
  String? valueString,
  List<int>? fromPsk,
}) {
  var inputBigInt = valueInt;
  if (valueString != null) {
    inputBigInt = int.parse(valueString);
  if (fromPsk != null) {
    inputBigInt = _endianToInt(fromPsk);

  return _convertFromBigInt(inputBigInt).getInt;