normalizeFragment function

void normalizeFragment({
  1. required void write(
    1. String dataId,
    2. Map<String, dynamic>? value
  2. required Map<String, dynamic>? read(
    1. String dataId
  3. required DocumentNode document,
  4. required Map<String, dynamic> idFields,
  5. required Map<String, dynamic> data,
  6. String? fragmentName,
  7. Map<String, dynamic> variables = const {},
  8. Map<String, TypePolicy> typePolicies = const {},
  9. DataIdResolver? dataIdFromObject,
  10. bool addTypename = false,
  11. String referenceKey = kDefaultReferenceKey,
  12. bool acceptPartialData = true,
  13. Map<String, Set<String>> possibleTypes = const {},

Normalizes data for a given fragment

Pass in read and write functions to read and write the result to the denormalized map.

An idFields Map must be provided that includes all identifying data, per any pertinent TypePolicy or dataIdFromObject funciton. If entities of this type are simply identified by their __typename & id fields, you can simply provide a map with just the id field (i.e. { "id": "1234" }).

IDs are generated for each entity based on the following:

  1. If no __typename field exists, the entity will not be normalized.
  2. If a TypePolicy is provided for the given type, it's TypePolicy.keyFields are used.
  3. If a dataIdFromObject funciton is provided, the result is used.
  4. The 'id' or '_id' field (respectively) are used.

The referenceKey is used to reference the ID of a normalized object. It should begin with '$' since a graphl response object key cannot begin with that symbol. If none is provided, we will use '$ref' by default.


void normalizeFragment({
  required void Function(String dataId, Map<String, dynamic>? value) write,
  required Map<String, dynamic>? Function(String dataId) read,
  required DocumentNode document,
  required Map<String, dynamic> idFields,
  required Map<String, dynamic> data,
  String? fragmentName,
  Map<String, dynamic> variables = const {},
  Map<String, TypePolicy> typePolicies = const {},
  DataIdResolver? dataIdFromObject,
  bool addTypename = false,
  String referenceKey = kDefaultReferenceKey,
  bool acceptPartialData = true,
  Map<String, Set<String>> possibleTypes = const {},
}) {
  // Always add typenames to ensure data is stored with typename
  document = transform(

  final fragmentMap = getFragmentMap(document);

  if (fragmentMap.length > 1 && fragmentName == null) {
    throw Exception('Multiple fragments defined, but no fragmentName provided');

  if (fragmentName != null && fragmentMap[fragmentName] == null) {
    throw Exception('Fragment "$fragmentName" not found');

  final fragmentDefinition = fragmentName != null
      ? fragmentMap[fragmentName]!
      : fragmentMap.values.first;

  final dataForFragment = {,

  final config = NormalizationConfig(
    read: read,
    variables: variables,
    typePolicies: typePolicies,
    referenceKey: referenceKey,
    fragmentMap: fragmentMap,
    addTypename: addTypename,
    dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,
    allowPartialData: acceptPartialData,
    allowDanglingReference: false,
    possibleTypes: possibleTypes,

  final dataId = resolveDataId(
    data: dataForFragment,
    typePolicies: typePolicies,
    dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,

  if (dataId == null) {
    throw Exception(
      'Unable to resolve data ID for type ${}. Please ensure that you are passing the correct ID fields',

      selectionSet: fragmentDefinition.selectionSet,
      dataForNode: dataForFragment,
      config: config,
      write: write,
      root: true,
    ) as Map<String, dynamic>?,