
This library allows you to do a Device Firmware Update (DFU) of your nrf51 or nrf52 chip from Nordic Semiconductor from Flutter Web

Getting started

add this package to pubspec.yaml file

nordic_dfu_web: 0.0.7

add this script tag in web/index.html file inside of head tag (check example folder)

<script src="./assets/packages/nordic_dfu_web/assets/ble.js" defer></script>


To Start Dfu Pic a file by using any File Picker Plugin and convert File to buffer pass that buffer to this method and start DFU

Note: startDfu will open dialog to choose for a Device if , that device is already in Dfu mode , then it will start transferring firmware else ,first device will be booted to Dfu and and it will throw an error, and increase dfuDelay if getting any issue while transferring to add filters , pass a list of requestBuilderFilter object if passed an empty list , all devices will be shown in request builder

    await NordicDfuWeb.startDfu(
      uint8list: bytes,
      requestBuilderFilters: [],
      dfuDelay: 25,
      onProgress: (progress) {
      onComplete: (data) {
      onError: (err) {
      onLogs: (logs) {


Host example


Added longer examples to /example folder.


Additional information

This is Just The Initial Version feel free to Contribute or Report any Bug!