TrKeys class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


aboutNoor → const String
aboutNoorDescription → const String
aboutUs → const String
aboutUsDescription → const String
accept → const String
account → const String
active → const String
activeOrder → const String
addNewPaymentMethod → const String
address → const String
addWallet → const String
alarmReason → const String
alarmReasonDescription → const String
all → const String
allDetails → const String
amount → const String
apartment → const String
app → const String
appInfo → const String
apply → const String
appVersion → const String
areYouSure → const String
areYouSureCancelHomeRoute → const String
areYouSureCancelReserve → const String
areYouSureFinishedOrder → const String
areYouSureKillApp → const String
arrivedHome → const String
arrivedShop → const String
avto → const String
back → const String
balance → const String
batteryInThePointIsNotFull → const String
batteryScan → const String
bonus → const String
booking → const String
bookingAndShowRoute → const String
bronze → const String
byContinuingYouAgreeTo → const String
calculation → const String
call → const String
callClient → const String
cancel → const String
cancelled → const String
canNotWork → const String
card → const String
cardDate → const String
cardHasExpired → const String
cardNumber → const String
chats → const String
chatWithClint → const String
check → const String
checking → const String
checkingTest → const String
chooseFromLibrary → const String
choosePaymentMethodToContinue → const String
clickGOToActivate → const String
client → const String
close → const String
closeDoor → const String
coffee → const String
coffeeDescriptions → const String
comingSoon → const String
comment → const String
commentForCourier → const String
commentForProduct → const String
completeOrder → const String
confirm → const String
congratulation → const String
connectBattery → const String
continueKey → const String
continueText → const String
copy → const String
correctAnswer → const String
cosmetic → const String
createOrder → const String
creditCard → const String
dark → const String
day → const String
delete → const String
deleteAccount → const String
delivered → const String
delivery → const String
deliveryAddress → const String
deliveryDate → const String
deliveryDateAndTime → const String
deliveryPrice → const String
deliverySystem → const String
deliveryType → const String
deliveryZone → const String
didntReceiveTheCode → const String
disconnectWebSocket → const String
distance → const String
documents → const String
doneTestHistory → const String
dontFindLocation → const String
dontPassedCommissioner → const String
dontPassedSelfEmployment → const String
dontPassedTestAndTraining → const String
dontPermissionDisplay → const String
dontUploadDrivingLicense → const String
dontVerifyMyId → const String
dontVisitedOffice → const String
dontVisitedOfficeBeforeAllProcessesAreDone → const String
doorPhone → const String
doorToDoor → const String
doYouAddWallet → const String
driver → const String
driverRek → const String
driverWay → const String
drivingTestFailed → const String
drivingTestPassed → const String
edit → const String
editPhone → const String
editProfile → const String
emptyWalletList → const String
english → const String
enterLocationName → const String
enterSmsFromCode → const String
enterTrackId → const String
enterYourPhoneNumber → const String
entrance → const String
expiryDateIsIncomplete → const String
failed → const String
faq → const String
faqDescription → const String
faster → const String
fastOrder → const String
finish → const String
finishLocation → const String
firstName → const String
floor → const String
flowers → const String
food → const String
fouls → const String
fromWhere → const String
fullBattery → const String
fullyChargedBatteryAtThePoint → const String
getContacts → const String
getGreatExperienceWithTracky → const String
getOrder → const String
getTheProducts → const String
gifts → const String
go → const String
goChargingStation → const String
goHome → const String
gold → const String
goRoute → const String
help → const String
home → const String
homeDescriptions → const String
hour → const String
house → const String
humo → const String
id → const String
inbox → const String
income → const String
instruction → const String
iWantToCancelThisOrderTheReason → const String
kabinet → const String
kg → const String
km → const String
lastName → const String
left → const String
light → const String
locationPermission → const String
locationPermissionAbout → const String
locationStatus → const String
login → const String
logout → const String
m → const String
map → const String
markAsRead → const String
medal → const String
messageCopied → const String
min → const String
missedOrderList → const String
mode → const String
month → const String
myAccount → const String
myBalance → const String
myOrder → const String
myOrders → const String
nearFromDistance → const String
needPermissionForContacts → const String
needUploadAllImages → const String
newCard → const String
newOrder → const String
newOrders → const String
news → const String
no → const String
noComment → const String
noInternet → const String
noMessagesHereYet → const String
noorCourierApp → const String
notComplete → const String
notEnoughMoney → const String
nothingFound → const String
notification → const String
notWorking → const String
nowYourLicenseIsChecking → const String
numberOfCorrectAnswers → const String
offline → const String
onAWay → const String
online → const String
openBox → const String
openRouteKey → const String
openSetting → const String
order → const String
orderComment → const String
orderDetails → const String
orderFlowers → const String
orderFlowersDescription → const String
orderHistory → const String
orderId → const String
orderPrize → const String
orderPrizeDescription → const String
orders → const String
orderStatus → const String
others → const String
package → const String
passed → const String
passingScore → const String
pay → const String
payment → const String
paymentAmountAndStatus → const String
paymentMethod → const String
paymentStatus → const String
pending → const String
phoneNumber → const String
pickup → const String
pickupAt → const String
pressedPlusButtonIfYourImageIsGoodYouUploadImages → const String
pressTheButtonBelowToCreateOrder → const String
price → const String
priceWithoutTax → const String
privacyPolicy → const String
privacyPolicyDescription → const String
product → const String
products → const String
profile → const String
promoCode → const String
questions → const String
rating → const String
reason → const String
reasonBatteryInt → const String
reasonMissedInt → const String
reasonNetworkInt → const String
reasonScooterInt → const String
receiver → const String
recent → const String
recipientAt → const String
reply → const String
reportIssue → const String
resend → const String
result → const String
review → const String
reviewId → const String
routes → const String
russian → const String
save → const String
saveAddress → const String
schedule → const String
scooter → const String
scooterRek → const String
scooterWay → const String
searchContacts → const String
searchCountry → const String
searchLocation → const String
seconds → const String
seeAllBonus → const String
selectDeliveryDateAndTime → const String
selectFlowers → const String
selectLanguage → const String
selectPaymentMethod → const String
selectPhone → const String
selectPhoto → const String
selectPrize → const String
selectSenderContact → const String
send → const String
sendCode → const String
sender → const String
sendUsAMessage → const String
service → const String
settings → const String
shippingAndTrackAnytime → const String
shop → const String
shopDescriptions → const String
signIn → const String
signUp → const String
silver → const String
sm → const String
smsCodeConfirm → const String
som → const String
someThingsDontAllowYouToWork → const String
startNewTest → const String
stats → const String
statusOfTheTest → const String
submit → const String
success → const String
support → const String
supportApp → const String
switchBatteryAndConnectBattery → const String
ta → const String
takeNewBattery → const String
takeNewBatteryAndCloseDoor → const String
takePhoto → const String
takeProduct → const String
tax → const String
termDescription → const String
termOfService → const String
termOfUse → const String
testAndTrains → const String
testHistory → const String
thanLastWeek → const String
theCardNumberIsInTheWrongFormat → const String
thePhoneNumberIsInTheWrongFormat → const String
thePowerIsDisconnected → const String
thereIsNothingHere → const String
thisFieldIsRequired → const String
thisNotEmail → const String
time → const String
timeIsEnded → const String
tip → const String
title → const String
to → const String
today → const String
tomorrow → const String
topUp → const String
topUpBalance → const String
totalPrice → const String
totalProductPrice → const String
toWhere → const String
transactionHistory → const String
transactionTypeBonus → const String
transactionTypeOrderProfit → const String
transactionTypeTip → const String
transactionTypeTopUp → const String
transactionTypeWithdraw → const String
trySearchingAgain → const String
typeSomething → const String
union → const String
unknown → const String
unpaid → const String
untilDeliveryOfTheProduct → const String
untilReceivingTheProduct → const String
untilTheOrderIsDelivered → const String
untilTheOrderIsPickedUp → const String
uploadLicense → const String
uploadYourDriverLicenseBack → const String
uploadYourDriverLicenseFront → const String
uploadYourDriverLicenseFrontAndBack → const String
usefulTips → const String
uzbek → const String
uzcard → const String
viewSummary → const String
wallet → const String
wc → const String
wcDescriptions → const String
weAreSendOTPCodeTo → const String
week → const String
weWillGiveYouNewOrdersSoon → const String
weWillSendCode → const String
whatDoesTheChangeOfIconsMean → const String
whoopsSorry → const String
whyDoNotYouAcceptOrder → const String
withdraw → const String
withdrawBalance → const String
yes → const String
youAreBlocked → const String
youAreOffline → const String
youAreOnline → const String
youHaveNotCreatedOrderYet → const String
youHaveReserved → const String
yourChatListIsEmpty → const String
yourConversationHasEnded → const String
yourMissedOrderListIsEmpty → const String
yourNotificationListIsEmpty → const String
yourOrderCanceled → const String
yourOrderListIsEmpty → const String
yourRating → const String
yourReviewListIsEmpty → const String
yourScore → const String
yourTestHistoryListIsEmpty → const String
yourTransactionsListIsEmpty → const String