AppHelper class abstract


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

checkHumo(String? value) bool
checkPhone(String value) bool
checkUnion(String? value) bool
dateFormatDM(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatDMIncome(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatDMY(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatEEE(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatForChat(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatForNotification(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatHm(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatHmYMD(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatMDYHm(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatMMMM(DateTime? time) String
dateFormatYMD(DateTime? time) String
errorHandler(dynamic e, {String? statusCode}) String
errorSnackBar({required BuildContext context, required String message, bool typeFixed = false}) → dynamic
formatHHMMSS(int second) String
formatRoute(num distance) String
formatTime(int seconds) String
getOrderTypeAsset(String? name) String
getTr(String key) String
myLocation() Future<Point>
numberFormat({required num? number, String? symbol, bool? isOrder, int? decimalDigits}) String
openDialog({required BuildContext context, required String title}) → dynamic
openDialogImagePicker({required BuildContext context, required VoidCallback openCamera, required VoidCallback openGallery}) → dynamic
showCustomDialog({required BuildContext context, required Widget content}) → dynamic
showCustomModalBottomSheet({required BuildContext context, required Widget modal, double radius = 24, bool isDrag = true, bool isDismissible = true, bool isType = true, double paddingTop = 200}) → void
showCustomModalBottomSheetDrag({required BuildContext context, required dynamic modal(ScrollController controller), double radius = 24, bool isDrag = true, bool isDismissible = true, double paddingTop = 200, double maxChildSize = 0.9}) → void