ModalConfiguration constructor

const ModalConfiguration({
  1. required Color barrierColor,
  2. required bool barrierDismissible,
  3. String? barrierLabel,
  4. required Duration transitionDuration,
  5. required Duration reverseTransitionDuration,

Creates a modal configuration object that provides the necessary properties to implement a modal route.

barrierDismissible configures whether or not tapping the modal's scrim dismisses the modal. barrierLabel sets the semantic label for a dismissible barrier. barrierDismissible cannot be null. If barrierDismissible is true, the barrierLabel cannot be null.

transitionDuration and reverseTransitionDuration determine the duration of the transitions when the modal enters and exits the application. transitionDuration and reverseTransitionDuration cannot be null.


const ModalConfiguration({
  required this.barrierColor,
  required this.barrierDismissible,
  required this.transitionDuration,
  required this.reverseTransitionDuration,
}) : assert(!barrierDismissible || barrierLabel != null);