web/web library
- AbsolutePath
- AbstractDownloadable
- AbstractDownloadable has a download method
- AbstractPassword
- AbstractPath
- AbstractPath has a path property
- AbstractSelector
- AbstractUrl
- Authable
- Button
- Button appends button to the selector
- ByIndex
- ByText
- Css
- Ctx
- Div
- Div
- DoUntil
- DownloadableSapTable
- DownloadableSapTable
- DownloadableSapTable2
- DownloadableSap Table by right click on table header and selecting "Spreadsheet..." on context menu
- Input
- Input appends input to the selector
- MultiForm
- NestedSelector
- NoButton
- NoForm
- NoKeyboardShortcut
- NoMaybeButton
- NoSapGridElement
- NoTextBox
- Online
- Password
- RelativePath
- Path has a path property
- Sap
- SapButton
- SapButton has role="button", class="lsButton and title="{label}"
- SapDataField
for sap specific data fields
for example
if the field html is as follows
we can access the field using the following selector
') it will automatically replace unsafe characters with escaped representation and build the selector from it that can be used to access the field in the browser - SapFiori
- SapInput
- SapInput has name="InputField" and title="{label}""
- SapInputWithData
- SapInputWithinData
- when the input field is nested within an element with lsdata attribute this will match the first input field within the element with matching lsdata even if the input field itself does not have lsdata attribute
- SapPurchaseRequestUrl
- For example. the code for Header release Service PR is ZPRS Header release Rental PR is ZPRR Header release Opex PR is ZPRO
- SapTable
- SapTable role="grid" class="urSTCS lsSapTable--backgroundColor urHtmlTableReset lsSapTable--bs-disabled"
- SapTableHead
- SapTableRow a span with title="{label}" inside role="row" aria-rowindex="{index}" inside a div with role="grid"
- SapTransaction
- SapTransactionUrl
- SapUser
- SelectionStrategy
T> - TextArea
- TextArea appends textarea to the selector
- Url
- ValidationResponse
- Waitable
- WaitableDuration
- WaitableEvent
- WithClass
- WithClass appends class="{class}" to the selector class can be a list of classes
- WithId
- WithId appends id="{id}" to the selector
- WithIdContains
- WithName
- WithName appends name="{name}" to the selector
- WithText
- With Text appends text="{text}" to the selector
- XPath
dynamic text) → void -
AbstractSelector selector) → dynamic
T, R> = Future< R> Function(T) -
T, R> = Future< Iterable< Function(T)R> > -
T> = FutureOr< bool> Function(T browser) -
T> = T? Function(Online browser) -
T> = FutureOr Function(T browser) -
T, R> = R Function(T) -
T, R> = Iterable< R> Function(T) - OnlineAction = FutureOr Function(Online browser)
- SelectorBuilder = AbstractSelector Function(int line, int column)
- SelectorFunc = Future Function(AbstractSelector selector)
= FutureOr<
ValidationResponse> Function(Online browser)