generate method
Generates Dart code for an input Dart library.
May create additional outputs through the buildStep
, but the 'primary'
output is Dart code returned through the Future. If there is nothing to
generate for this library may return null, or a Future that resolves to
null or the empty string.
FutureOr<String> generate(LibraryReader library, BuildStep buildStep) async {
final values = <String>{};
// @Entity found
bool isEntity = library.annotatedWith(entityChecker).isNotEmpty;
// @Convertable found
bool isConverter = library.annotatedWith(converterChecker).isNotEmpty;
if (isEntity || isConverter) {
final lib = Library((builder) {
..body.add(const Code(
"// ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_internal_member\n"))
..body.add(const Code('\n'));
return _dartfmt.format('${lib.accept(DartEmitter())}');
} else {
return values.join('\n\n');