sign method
List<int> sign(RSAPrivateKey key, /* String | List<int> | BigInt */ msg,
{List<int>? salt}) {
int blockSize = key.blockSize;
int emBits = key.bitSize - 1;
List<int> msgBytes;
if (msg is List<int>) {
msgBytes = msg;
} else if (msg is Iterable<int>) {
msgBytes = msg.toList();
} else if (msg is String) {
msgBytes = utf8.encode(msg);
} else if (msg is BigInt) {
msgBytes = bigIntToBytes(msg);
} else {
throw Exception('invalid message type');
final mHash = hasher.convert(msgBytes).bytes;
final hashLength = mHash.length;
if (emBits < (8 * (hashLength + saltLength) + 9)) {
throw Exception('emBits too small');
if (blockSize < hashLength + saltLength + 2) {
throw Exception('encoding error. blockSize too small');
if (salt == null) {
salt =
List<int>.generate(saltLength, (index) => saltGenerator.nextInt(256));
} else {
if (salt.length != saltLength) {
throw Exception('invalid salt. must be of length $saltLength');
final mDash = <int>[
...List<int>.filled(8, 0),
final h = hasher.convert(mDash).bytes;
final ps = List.filled(blockSize - saltLength - hashLength - 2, 0);
final db = <int>[,
final dbMask = mgf.encode(blockSize - hashLength - 1, h);
final maskedDb = ListOps.xor(db, dbMask);
final em = Uint8List.fromList(<int>[
int emDiff = (8 * blockSize) - (emBits);
if (emDiff < 0) {
throw Exception();
} else if (emDiff > 7) {
throw Exception();
emDiff = 8 - emDiff;
em[0] &= (1 << emDiff) - 1;
return key.engine.signBlock(em);