Nine-Slice Scaling Image

This package allows user use nine-slice scaling image widget on Flutter. This is useful especially for application with pixel-art design.


Widget samples

Getting Started

Add nine_scaling_image to your pubspec.yaml:

nine_scaling_image: any

Adding Widget on your project

Add your material image file into your project and update pubspec.yaml to use it like as follows:

    - assets/sampleimage.png

Import package and use NineScalingImage class as folows:

NineScalingImage img = NineScalingImage(assetPath: 'assets/sampleimage.png', pieceSize: const Size.square(5));

You can set following parameters:

  • assetPath (required)
    • a path to image
  • pieceSize (required)
    • a piece size in nine-slicing
  • centerColor (optional)
    • a color which fill the center of widget
  • dstPieceScale (optional)
    • a piece ratio between scource image and destination widget size
  • child (optional)
    • child widget in nine-slicing object

