getDocuments<T> method

Future<List<NimbostratusDocumentSnapshot<T?>>> getDocuments<T>(
  1. Query<T> docQuery, {
  2. GetFetchPolicy fetchPolicy = GetFetchPolicy.serverOnly,
  3. NimbostratusFromFirestore<T>? fromFirestore,

Executes a Firestore Query for documents against the in-memory cache or server according to the specified GetFetchPolicy.


Future<List<NimbostratusDocumentSnapshot<T?>>> getDocuments<T>(
  Query<T> docQuery, {
  GetFetchPolicy fetchPolicy = GetFetchPolicy.serverOnly,
  NimbostratusFromFirestore<T>? fromFirestore,
}) async {
  QuerySnapshot<T>? snap;

  switch (fetchPolicy) {
    case GetFetchPolicy.cacheFirst:
    case GetFetchPolicy.cacheOnly:
      final snap = await docQuery.get(const GetOptions(source: Source.cache));
      final docs =;

      // If there is no data in the cache to satisfy the get() call, QuerySnapshot.get() will return an empty
      /// QuerySnapshot with no documents. If this is a cache-first operation, we then go check the server
      /// to see if we can satisfy the query there.
      if (docs.isNotEmpty) {
        return<NimbostratusDocumentSnapshot<T?>>((doc) {
          final docBloc = _documents[doc.reference.path];

          // If the document is already in the NS cache, return the NS value. Otherwise
          // cache it to NS and fallback to the Firestore cache value.
          if (docBloc != null) {
            return docBloc.value as NimbostratusDocumentSnapshot<T?>;
          return _updateFromSnap(doc);
      } else if (fetchPolicy == GetFetchPolicy.cacheFirst) {
        return getDocuments(
          fetchPolicy: GetFetchPolicy.serverOnly,

      return [];
    case GetFetchPolicy.serverOnly:
      try {
        snap = await docQuery.get();
              (snap) => _updateFromSnap(snap, fromFirestore: fromFirestore),
      } catch (e) {
        return [];