draw abstract method

void draw(
  1. ChartCanvas canvas,
  2. Tick<D> tick, {
  3. required AxisOrientation orientation,
  4. required Rectangle<int> axisBounds,
  5. required Rectangle<int> drawAreaBounds,
  6. required bool isFirst,
  7. required bool isLast,
  8. bool collision = false,

Draws tick onto ChartCanvas.

orientation the orientation of the axis that this tick belongs to. axisBounds the bounds of the axis. drawAreaBounds the bounds of the chart draw area adjacent to the axis. collision whether or not this tick should be drawn in such a way to avoid colliding into other ticks.


void draw(
  ChartCanvas canvas,
  Tick<D> tick, {
  required AxisOrientation orientation,
  required Rectangle<int> axisBounds,
  required Rectangle<int> drawAreaBounds,
  required bool isFirst,
  required bool isLast,
  bool collision = false,