preprocessSeries method
Pre-calculates some details for the series that will be needed later during the drawing phase.
void preprocessSeries(List<MutableSeries<D>> seriesList) {
for (final series in seriesList) {
final elements = <SunburstArcRendererElement<D>>[];
final measureFn = series.measureFn;
// The seriesMeasureTotal needs to be computed from currently displayed
// top level.
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
final node =[i] as TreeNode<Object>;
final measure = measureFn(i);
if (node.depth == 1 && measure != null) {}
// On the canvas, arc measurements are defined as angles from the positive
// x axis. Start our first slice at the positive y axis instead.
final startAngle = config.startAngle;
final arcLength = config.arcLength;
// No data processing is same as the regular arc renderer.
if ( {
// If the series has no data, generate an empty arc element that
// occupies the entire chart.
// Use a tiny epsilon difference to ensure that the canvas renders a
// "full" circle, in the correct direction.
final angle = arcLength == 2 * pi ? arcLength * .999999 : arcLength;
final endAngle = startAngle + angle;
final details = SunburstArcRendererElement<D>(
startAngle: startAngle,
endAngle: endAngle,
index: 0,
key: 0,
series: series,
} else {
// Create SunburstArcRendererElement for each item in the tree,
// excluding the root node.
( as TreeNode<D>).visit((node) {
elements.addAll(_createArcRenderElementForNode(series, node));
series.setAttr(arcElementsKey, elements);